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im calling bullshit on 'no white after labor day'

Updated: Sep 15, 2018

I've been saying this for years, people. This rule is so beyond silly... I honestly can't believe I'm still typing this out, tbh. But here I am. So let's dive in, shall we?

After doing some hefty research (i.e. google search 2 pages back), I have to come to conclusion that there is no real rhyme or reason as to why white should not be worn after labor day. According to multiple articles, and what I choose to believe is true, the most common answer is this: women during the early 20th century decided that with ready-to-wear becoming more readily available to the common people, there needed to be some sort of differentiation between the classes. So let's get this clear: this rule is newer than we think, and complete bullshit. The reason everyone has always agreed to go along with the rule (let me remind you: I have always questioned it), is because it is "something that has always been around" and you just must simply abide by it. But if the reason that the rule was created to begin with was to separate the classes, and we live in a modern, cast-less society, why are we still choosing to even give this rule the time of day? If we honor a rule that celebrates the wealthy woman's agenda, created in a time of segregation, then what does that say about us?

If you choose to believe that the elitests of the world didn't create this rule, the only other reasonable answer is that the weather dictated it, as labor day marks the end of the summer. But if the rule arose from anywhere in the south, we know that is cannot be true because it stays warm until about mid-October (and if we are being real, maybe no November). Either way, the idea that wearing darker colors in early September is better for us absolutely baffles me, and in no way answers my questions on how the immediate termination of white after labor day answers the cool-mans problems.

Perhaps the best way to look at this rule is this: if you want to follow it and it makes you happy to clear out your white till May, do it. If you have entirely too much white in your closet (ahem, me), and this feels like saying goodbye to half of your wardrobe, definitely don't. I will be waving my white flag (pun intended) to social suicide if that means I can wear white jeans all year round.

deets my dudes

top: zara

pants: buffalo exchange (the loft)

shoes: free people

bag: goodwill (talbots)

necklace: kozakh

sunnies: verge girl

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